MREA Promotes Renewable Energy

Homeowners, businesses and institutions could take better advantage of Montana�s abundance of renewable energy resources � wind, solar, geothermal and biomass power.

The Montana Renewable Energy Association, which organized in November 2000 in Butte, hopes to expand the use of renewable energy technologies; affect public policy in favor of renewable energy; and educate and inform residents about the benefits and uses of renewable energy.

"We feel strongly that now is the time to bring more focus on the development of renewable energy in Montana," said Dave Ryan of Butte, former president of the association.

"The opportunity to take advantage of renewable energy has never been better. We formed the Association to better work together to promote renewable energy. The benefits of energy conservation, efficient use of energy, and renewable energy generation include the better quality of life for everyone, economic development, saving natural resources and reducing pollution.

"By working together, we can increase the use of renewable sources of energy and decrease their cost. If we are effective, we can bring the benefits of renewable energy to everyone in the state."

Ryan, energy engineer at National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in Butte and a strong renewable energy advocate, was elected to head the association by a nine-member board of directors that met for the first time on Nov. 29, 2000. He served as President until 2010.

The MREA Board of Directors is made up of nine directors who are elected to two-year terms. Current members of the board and the businesses or agencies they represent are:

  • Conor Darby (Independent Power Systems, Bozeman), President
  • Chris Borton (Sage Mountain Center, Whitehall), Vice President
  • Chris Daum (Oasis Montana, Stevensville), Treasurer
  • Patrick Judge (MEIC, Helena), Secretary
  • Dave Ryan (National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte), President Emeritus
  • Tom Bishop (Sunelco, Victor)
  • Ben Brouwer (AERO, Helena)
  • Henry Dykema (Sundance Solar Systems, Red Lodge)
  • Kathi Montgomery (MT DEQ, Helena)

MREA is a private, non-profit public benefits corporation.

Download the Montana Renewable Energy Association brochure (PDF), including membership application.

For more information, contact MREA at:

Montana Renewable Energy Association
2910 Floral Blvd.
Butte, MT 59701
Phone: (406) 494-0930


Renewable Energy Developers Urge Support of Clean Energy Legislation to Help Rural Montana Economy
Executives of ten renewable energy businesses and organizations operating in Montana have sent a letter urging Senator Baucus and Senator Tester to support the enactment of clean energy and climate legislation.  Read the full news release.

MREA President Gives Testimony in Support of USB
Dave Ryan, then-president of the Montana Renewable Energy Association, presented testimony to the Public Service Commission on July 16, 2008, in support of continuing the Universal Systems Benefits (USB) program. Read the full testimony.

MREA and OSHA Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement
The Montana Renewable Energy Association and the US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration have executed a Strategic Partnership Agreement to ensure workplace safety in the growing renewable energy industry in Montana . The MREA is attempting to foster a safer working environment for themselves and their member companies.

The purpose of the partnership is to prevent the four major hazards (falls, electrical, caught in/between and struck-by hazards) that account for the majority of fatalities and injuries in the construction industry. This partnership will focus on improving the safety and health programs of the MREA and their Participating Member companies and strive to eliminate hazards in the targeted areas.

Read the full story.
See the Agreement.

MREA and OSHA sign strategic partnership agreement. Pictured are Ross Yeager, Director of the OSHA Billings Office, Christopher Borton of Sage Mountain Center (Vice President of MREA), Tom Bishop of SUNELCO, Conor Darby of Independent Power Systems, Steven Aagenes of In-Solar, Orion Thornton of Independent Power Systems, and David Ryan of NCAT (Former President of MREA).


MREA Solar Energy Demonstration Trailer Available
The MREA solar energy demonstration trailer is available for showing at fairs, trade shows, or other events. The trailer is equipped with solar and wind electric-generation systems, and has a misting system to provide cooling on hot summer days. If you would like to use the trailer to demonstrate solar and wind electricity, or to provide temporary power at a remote location, call MREA at 406-494-0930. A donation will be required. See the trailer!

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