Wind Power Links

20% Windpower by 2030

Wind power is capable of becoming a major contributor to America's electricity supply over the next three decades, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Energy. The groundbreaking report, 20% Wind Energy by 2030: Increasing Wind Energy's Contribution to U.S. Electricity Supply, looks closely at one scenario for reaching 20% wind energy by 2030 and contrasts it to a scenario of no new U.S. wind power capacity.

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)

Since 1974, AWEA has advocated the development of wind energy as a reliable, environmentally superior energy alternative in the United States and around the world. AWEA's Green Power Factsheets provide answers to basic questions about Green Power, including what it is, the rationale for purchasing it, and procedures for buying it.

AWEA Wind Directory

Search this directory to obtain wind energy services and equipment from companies who have demonstrated a commitment to wind and renewable technology and adhere to AWEA's code of business ethics.

AWEA Small Wind Toolbox

Provides a host of useful tools related to wind energy, such as publications and websites, incentive programs, wind energy organizations, and more.

AWEA Year End 2009 Market Report

AWEA's fourth quarter report, released on January 26, 2010, places wind power neck-and-neck with natural gas as the leading source of new electricity generation for the country. Together, the two account for about 80% of the new capacity added in the country last year. The new wind capacity is enough to serve more than 2.4 million homes. With 4,041 MW completed, the fourth quarter was the strongest in the year but still lower than the fourth quarter of 2008, says the report. Overall, the 9,922 MW installed in 2009 brought the total wind power generating capacity in the United States to more than 35,000 MW.

Best Practices in Grid Integration of Variable Wind Power: Summary of Recent US Case Study Results and Mitigation Measures

This paper summarizes results from a number of utility wind integration case studies conducted recently in the US, and outline a number of mitigation measures based on insights from those studies.

PDF iconConsumer's Guide to Renewable Energy in Arkansas

While intended for Arkansas residents and businesses, much of the information presented in this publication also applies to residents in other states. Includes useful information on solar, wind, and renewable fuels.

Energy Basics Website

For those who want to know what something is in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies or how things such as a wind turbine or solar panel work, DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewal Energy (EERE) has launched the new Energy Basics website. The fresh destination explains the concepts behind everything from hybrid electric vehicles to ocean wave energy. It also gives overviews of home, building, and industrial energy efficiency, telling how various components and approaches can be used to make daily life better. The site features videos, highlighting wind energy and solar power among other renewable sources, and includes an energy term glossary. Be sure to check back often, because Energy Basics will be expanding and adding new information over time.

Energy Resources Research Laboratory (ERRL)

The ERRL at Oregon State University has managed the data collection, quality assurance, and analysis for the Bonneville Power Administration's wind energy resource studies since 1978 and manages other data management activities for transmission line research. It maintains a large data base of wind data for the Pacific Northwest. This web page summarizes the wind statistics of the five Bonneville Power Administration's long-term wind monitoring sites in the Pacific Northwest.

Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States: Assessment of Opportunities and Barriers

DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) released this new (October 2010) report that comprehensively analyzes the key factors impacting the deployment of offshore wind power in the U.S. The report includes a detailed assessment of the nation's offshore wind resources and offshore wind industry, including future job growth potential. The report also analyzes the technology challenges, economics, permitting procedures, and the potential risks and benefits of offshore wind power deployment in U.S. waters. According to the report, harnessing even a fraction of the nation's potential offshore wind resource, estimated to be more than 4,000 gigawatts, could create thousands of jobs and help revitalize America's manufacturing sector, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify U.S. energy supplies, and provide cost-competitive electricity to key coastal regions. The report also reaches the conclusion that while significant challenges remain, effective research, policies and market commitment will enable offshore wind to play a significant role in the country's energy future. More information is available in the Executive Summary and full NREL report.

Lazar's Wind Power Generators Guide

This site is designed as an online reference guide for anyone looking for information on utilizing the wind's energy.

Michigan Energy Demonstration Center at Northwestern Michigan College

Provides a host of useful information on renewables and energy efficiency, and also provides training and education.

Fresh Energy

Fresh Energy works to enhance our economy, protect human health and communities, restore our environment, and establish energy independence. In our sustained and coordinated effort to promote a modern, innovative energy system for the 21st century, we provide research, advocacy and innovative policy models while engaging citizens to take action on the energy issues that affect us all. Fresh Energy's efforts focus on clean energy, transortation connections, global warming solutions, and energy justice. With expertise, strong alliances and an impressive track record in each of these important areas, we're able to maintain a long-range view while also nimbly responding to sudden threats and unexpected opportunities.

Montana Wind Power: A Consumer's Guide to Harnessing the Wind

This publication, produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) with support from NorthWestern Energy, is for people who are interested in installing small (100kW or less) wind energy systems. It provides information
needed for an initial analysis to determine whether further investigation is justified.

National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC)

A U.S. consensus-based collaborative formed in 1994, NWCC identifies issues that affect the use of wind power, establishes dialogue among key stakeholders, and catalyzes appropriate activities to support the development of an environmentally, economically, and politically sustainable commercial market for wind power. NWCC members include representatives from electric utilities and support organizations, state legislatures, state utility commissions, consumer advocacy offices, wind equipment suppliers and developers, green power marketers, environmental organizations, and state and federal agencies.

Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm

Renewable energy represents an important option for agricultural producers. This publication from the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service/ATTRA introduces three renewable energy resources that can be attractive and economically feasible for the farm: solar, wind, and renewable fuels. This is not a technical guide for designing or installing renewable energy systems but, instead, an overview that provides information on wind, solar, and renewable fuel technologies, cost and savings, site planning, and financial incentives. A list of resources follows the narrative.

Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC)

Provides information on several types of renewable energy resources in the United States, in the form of publications, data, and maps. An extensive dictionary of renewable energy related terms is also provided. The News section announces new products on the RReDC, which is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy's Resource Assessment Program and managed by the Photovoltaics Technology Division of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Repowering Montana: A Blueprint for Homegrown Energy Self-Reliance

This publication from AERO details strategies for investing in energy efficiency,
in sustainable production of biofuels (both biodiesel and ethanol), and in dispersed wind,
small hydro, and solar power systems, and also advocates localizing ownership and control
of these energy systems as much as possible. Doing so, says its authors, will keep dollars circulating in our
communities (instead of exporting them elsewhere) and will create useful and fulfilling work for our citizens, in both the countryside and in cities.

Small-Scale Wind Energy on the Farm

This 2007 publication from the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service/ATTRA will introduce you to small-scale wind energy to help you decide if wind energy is an economical option for your farm or ranch.

PDF iconSmall Wind Electric Systems � A Montana Consumer's Guide

Learn about small wind systems and whether one is right for you in a this new booklet published jointly by the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Center for Appropriate Technology, and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The booklet includes a wind resource map of Montana, an explanation of state incentives for installing a wind system, and a list of contacts for more information.

PDF iconSmall Wind Electric Systems - A U. S. Consumer's Guide

This guide provides basic information you need to answer those questions and to address the many factors you need to consider to successfully install a small wind energy system and get maximum production.

Small Wind Energy Systems for the Homeowner

This publication will help you decide whether a wind system is practical for you. It explains the benefits, helps you assess your wind resource and possible sites, discusses legal and environmental obstacles, and analyzes economic considerations such as pricing.

Small Wind System Slide Shows

Downloadable slide shows from the American Wind Energy Association.

Solar and Wind Easements

Montana's solar and wind easement provisions allow property owners to create solar and wind easements for the purpose of protecting and maintaining proper access to sunlight and wind. While 32 other states have solar easement provisions, only three other states have created specific provisions for the creation of wind easements. Montana's solar easement law was enacted in 1979 and the wind easement was enacted in 1983. For more information, contact Tom Livers, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, at 406-444-6776.

Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG)

A non-profit corporation whose mission is to accelerate the appropriate integration of wind power for utility applications through the coordinated efforts and actions of its members, in collaboration with public and private sector stakeholders. Membership is open to utilities and other entities that have an interest in wind generation.

Using Economics to Determine the Efficient Curtailment of Wind Energy

This paper discusses the potential societal benefits to the energy market of allowing the dispatch of wind generation in times when it may enhance reliability and be economically advantageous to do so.

Wind Energy Basics

Provides information about wind, including how wind turbines work, advantages and disadvantages of its use, wind energy use throughout history, U.S. wind energy resource potential, and current research and development.

Wind Energy Finance Website

Operated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, this website allows users to calculate online the costof electricity generated by a wind system. The website lets users create a new project on screen (or modify an existing project) by entering values fornumerous assumptions step-by-step until enough information has been entered to calculate the project cost. Projects added or modified are stored convenience and are available the next time a user logs in.

Wind Energy Guide for County Commissioners

This publication from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is designed to provide county commissioners, planners, and other local county government officials with a practical overview of information required to successfully implement commercial, utility-scale wind energy projects (600 kilowatts or larger) in their counties.The guidebook provides a concise and practical resource for local government officials as they follow the steps to large-scale wind energy development

Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States

Estimates of the electricity that could potentially be generated by wind power and of the land area available for wind energy have been calculated for the contiguous United States. The estimates are based on published wind resource data and exclude windy lands that are not suitable for development as a result of environmental and land-use considerations.

Wind in Montana

This webpage from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality provides information on wind energy in Montana, including links to additional resources.

Wind Potential in the United States: U.S. Wind Maps

NREL's GIS team offers both a national wind resource assessment of the United States and high-resolution wind data. The national wind resource assessment was created for the U.S. Department of Energy in 1986 by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory and is documented in the Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States, October 1986. This national wind resource data provides an estimate of the annual average wind resource for the conterminous United States, with a resolution of 1/3 degree of latitude by 1/4 degree of longitude.

Wind-Powered Electric Systems for Homes, Farms, and Ranches: Resources

This resource list provides an overview of print publications and online resources that offer both overview and in-depth information on siting, installing and operating wind-power electrical generation systems. Most resources listed are relevant to small-scale systems.

Wind Powering America

A commitment to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States. This initiative works to establish new sources of income for American farmers, Native Americans, and other rural landowners, and meet the growing demand for clean sources of electricity. Website offers a host of useful information on topics such as wind resource assessment, siting, transmission, economics, utility integration, project development, and policy issues.

PDF iconWind Power in Montana

Pages from a Wind Powering America publication that focus on Montana.


Focuses on economic development from wind energy, valuation of environmental benefits, and distributed generation. Windustry promotes wind energy through outreach, educational materials, and technical assistance to rural landowners, local communities and utilities, and state, regional, and nonprofit collaborations. Website features wind basics, wind opportunities, wind turbine sites, a wind calculator, curriculum, resource library, and news and events.

Winds of Change: A Manufacturing Blueprint for the Wind Industry

Highlights growth for the American wind industry despite the absence of a long-term and stable market for wind energy, or policies to support wind's manufacturing sector. While the growth in wind energy manufacturing has been steady — growing from 2,500 workers in 2004 to 18,500 in 2009 — tens of thousands of additional jobs manufacturing wind turbines and components, such as towers, gearboxes, and bearings, could be created with policies that establish a long-term, stable market and support the manufacturing sector's transition to the wind industry.


This "social networking website" for wind energy aims to create a central point where the wind energy community can collaborate, network, and share their experiences with each other.


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