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Most of the books in our bookstore, plus many others not listed, including how-to manuals, can be ordered directly from Montana renewable energy dealers.

Hydro Power

Micro-Hydro Design Manual: A Guide to Small-Scale Water Power Schemes
by Adam Harvey, Andy Brown, Priyantha Hettiarachi, Allen Inversin
Paperback (February 1993) 
Intermediate Technology; ISBN: 1853391034 

This highly rated manual, covers just about every practical and tangible theoretical introduction to the full design and/up to implementation cycle of MH projects, all in about 370 pages. It is important that it was written and amply illustrated not only with detailed schematics, but also with actual pictures from original installations in developing countries, which makes a viable aid in comprehending the "actual picture."

by Jiandong Tong (Editor), Zheng Naibo, Wang Xianhuan, Hai Jing (Contributor), M.
Gottschalk (Editor) 
Paperback - 322 pages (February 1997) 
John Wiley & Son Ltd; ISBN: 0471962643 

A text on the practical development of mini hydropower technology using small rivers, describing mini hydrostations with a capacity of between 0.5MW to 2MW. Coverage includes hydrology and hydroenergy design, geological problems, civil works of mini hydropower plants, mini hydraulic turbines, electrical equipment, and social and economic benefits. Includes chapter objectives, exercises and questions, and selected answers. For advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professionals in power engineering and hydropower development and related technical service personnel. 


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