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Most of the books in our bookstore, plus many others not listed, including how-to manuals, can be ordered directly from Montana renewable energy dealers.

Solar Water Heating Reading List

The following publications provide further information about solar water heaters. The list is not exhaustive, nor does the mention of any publication constitute a recommendation or endorsement. 

Books, Pamphlets, and Reports 

Consumer Guide to Solar Energy
S. Sklar and K. Sheinkopf, Bonus Books, Inc., 160 East Illinois Street, Chicago, IL 60611, 1991.
Paperback (June 1991)
Bonus Books; ISBN: 0929387236

The Homeowner's Handbook of Solar Water Heating Systems
B. Keisling, Rodale Press, 1983. This excellent book is out of print, but you may be able to find a copy of it at


Home Energy Magazine, 2124 Kittredge Street, No. 95, Berkeley, CA, 94704-9942. (510) 524-5405. Home Energy Magazine is a source of information on reducing energy consumption. 

Solar Today, 2400 Central Avenue, Unit G-1, Boulder, CO, 80301. (303) 443-3130. Solar Today covers all the solar technologies, both mature and emerging, in a general-interest format. 


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